Donating Elementary Schools
Since its establishment in 2005, the Morning Light Foundation has collaborated with local governments and donated Morning Light Elementary School in the most poverty strickened rural areas of four provinces of Anhui, Guangxi, Jiangxi, and Hunan. So far the number of donated schools has reached 30.
Providing Chinese University Scholarships
In China, many outstanding university students each year have to drop out of school because of family financial difficulties. The Morning Light Foundation selects from a pool of qualifying students with financial difficulties, and awards each student RMB 3,000 yuan. Each year, 400 recipients are awarded the scholarship from a total of eight famous universities located in the four provinces of Anhui, Guangxi, Jiangxi, and Hunan. The program has so far benefited more than 5,000 university students.
Funding Morning Light Support Team
The Morning Light Foundation cooperated with Anhui Normal University, Guangxi University, Nanchang University, and Jiangxi Normal University to establish and sponsor graduate students "Morning Light Supporting Education Team" to provide excellent teachers for schools in underdeveloped regions and financially support each team member RMB 100,000 yuan per year which is used for living expenses and teaching activities.
Establishing Morning Light Class
Morning Light Foundation collaborated with Guangxi Overseas Chinese Experimental High School to establish a "Morning Light Class" for students from families with special financial difficulties. These are either orphans or left-behind children who are now able to enter high school and compete in the college entrance examination - an opportunity for them to forever alter their lives!
Morning Light Foundation (USA) Scholarship
Morning Light Foundation began offering scholarships to students of Chinese descent in the United States in 2015. First made available to international foreign students, the scholarship was then extended to domestic students in 2018. These scholarships offered by MLF are designed to help students with financial need in pursuit of higher education.